GRACIE MAGAZINE #192 [wb-206]

GRACIE MAGAZINE #192 [wb-206]

Our Selling Price: 980JPY(tax included)

Weight: 200g


Item Description

·Face to Face Andre Glodzinski jujitsu and adaptation

Marcus Bushessha Almeida to note that when you look back at opponent
Rookie of Lisbon (European Open 2013)

Piggyback: Take down this month

Fight like a bread fork Big Kids

Sensing the danger-white pages

Behind the Shinhodoufo Vieira

· Feature Competition European Championship 2013

Chairman & CEO Bjorn Rebney Beratoru MMA is not sweat

-Mystery of the triangle choke Investigation

Profile of Mr. Ho, Sunday jar Gracie

Cover story Turbo Charge Ricardo Almeida, Frank Edgar Jiu-Jitsu techniques your MMA lessons

Don't Be a dumbbell Training for Warriors

GMA Association Member Profile


Anthology André Pedeneirasu VS-Bahetto Henato

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