DVD Hirotaka Okada - Judo Footwork [vv-780]

DVD Hirotaka Okada - Judo Footwork [vv-780]

Our Selling Price: 6,160JPY(tax included)

Weight: 300g


Item Description

Collecting contents:

1.The Kumite of champions:

The way of thinking about Kumite

How to grapple in Ai Yotsu

Instantly grip with both hands

When the opponent grabs the inner lapel

When the lapel hand is lowered

How to grapple with an opponent facing the side

1Grappling with an opponent in a variation:1

2Grappling with an opponent in a variation:2

Grappling with an opponent in Kenka Yotsu

How to grab the lapel hand

How to grab the pulling hand

When the lapel and sleeve are taken/When the inner lapel is taken

When the opponent covers the lapel

When grappling with a large opponent

2.Osoto Gari:

Basic Osoto Gari Ai Yotsu / Hidari Kumi

Applied to an opponent in Hanmi Ai Yotsu / Hidari Kumi

When the opponent brings his chin down Ai Yotsu / Hidari Kumi

Take the lapel and apply Ai Yotsu / Hidari Kumi

Applying the Uchi Mata / Harai Goshi Step Ai Yotsu / Hidari Kumi

Applied in Kenka Yotsu

3.Ouchi Gari:

Basic Ouchi Gari Ai Yotsu / Hidari Kumi

Holding the inner lapel Ai Yotsu / Hidari Kumi

Applied in Kenka Yotsu

4.Kosoto Gari:

Basic Kosoto Gari Kenka Yotsu

Applied in Ai Yotsu

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